Monday, January 14, 2008

Stitching Diva's...1

Due to the limit of words, I've had to post this weeks update in two blogs. Keep reading when you get to the end...

Happy New Year everyone! As you may have noticed it has been a few weeks since I've been able to post. With the rush of the holidays, the enslaught of real life (post holiday) and the regular workings of the world in general - well, let us all agree things have been a bit busy.

We are back to stitching after the hullabaloo of the holidays. Kristen is busy making up granny squares that will culminate in a beautiful blanket. She'll be at this for a while. Each 9 patch square is made up of 9 little tiny granny squares. The detail involved is quite impressive. Other projects have been quickly finished and round out Kristen's inventory of crocheted wonders. (This crocheted cat is slated to go to its new home...Kristen's nephew who desperately wanted a kitty to call his own -- Just as good as the real thing if you ask me). The kitty will join company with Kristen's other creations...the bunny and the French Hamster!

What is a S'n'B all about? Well good friends come together to st... and bi... We certainly had a great time with Gale's friend, Pam. She joins our little circle intermittently, but always brings a smile, an eagerness to learn the trade and a giggle. We are always pleased when new knitters and long time friends join our fold.

Gale is still hard at work on the Pirate Booty Bag. (Check out this link for the pattern and join the courageous and fearless knitters in our group and cast on for a journey that is sure to provide hours of entertainment, enjoyment and a beautiful carry all when complete.) Originally intended as a "knit-a-long" project, Gale is the only one in the group courageous enough to cast it on. I'm sure others will join her as the WIPs finish up. Interesting techniques involved include double knitting and faire isle / intarsia. We are very excited to watch her progress.

As always, Jan kept her fingers busy. She continued to work away on her shawl, using the same pattern as Mrs. McCready had used. Mrs. McCready's shawl was in dark navy blue and Jan chose a beautiful variated hue of blues. Other than that, Jan's other projects include snowflake headbands and a wool 1x1 ribbed scarf for her grandchildren. Although, Mrs. McCready missed our meeting this past week, she accomplished a speedy completion to her shawl the week prior. We are all hoping to see her model the completed project next week.

A few weeks ago, the Sock Diva's were hard at work. Gale has a pair OTN that have been the "purse sock." Although we don't have a picture to add here, be assured that they are well in progress. Melissa had finished her Confetti socks (blues and pinks) and I had proudly displayed my Meida's sock out of Bamboo (I still can't say enough good things about this fibre!). Alison was busy stitching up a pair of socks for her other half that are surely going to be toasty warm and pleasing to his tootsies.

Continued...On next post...(Stitching Diva's ... 2)

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